Sunday, July 23, 2006

The Great Decider
President Bush said “Massive deportation of the people (illegal immigrants) here is unrealistic. It’s just not going to work….” What happened to Bush’s resolve to protect our country? Has the great “Decider” run out of resolve? Deny the illegals free medical, welfare, housing, and jobs and they will go home by themselves. Can’t President Bush the great “Decider” figure that one out? Or maybe Bush just has other plans...such as:
The Elitists plan to dilute the U.S. population with a flood of illegals, while plundering and selling off America. The Bush family dynasty is deeply involved with this scam against all Americans. Bush is not stupid, like some try make out. His real resolve is aimed at the dissolution of the United States. While our soldiers and the National Guard are stuck overseas in a perpetual war, the New World Order (Globalist Elites) are dividing up the country and selling it off. Soon the “United States of America” won’t even be on the map or even a memory! This is conspiracy fact not a conspiracy theory.

The New World Order is trying to confound us by destroying the language and culture of our country...they are winning. Their bought and paid for Media is constantly chucking false issues
and propaganda at us. We as a people are so distracted by this, one could correctly assume that
there is no resistance to the New World Order. Many will welcome it as their savior! We have become a nation of dumbed down, slave minded, introverted morons.


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