Sunday, July 23, 2006

The Great Decider
President Bush said “Massive deportation of the people (illegal immigrants) here is unrealistic. It’s just not going to work….” What happened to Bush’s resolve to protect our country? Has the great “Decider” run out of resolve? Deny the illegals free medical, welfare, housing, and jobs and they will go home by themselves. Can’t President Bush the great “Decider” figure that one out? Or maybe Bush just has other plans...such as:
The Elitists plan to dilute the U.S. population with a flood of illegals, while plundering and selling off America. The Bush family dynasty is deeply involved with this scam against all Americans. Bush is not stupid, like some try make out. His real resolve is aimed at the dissolution of the United States. While our soldiers and the National Guard are stuck overseas in a perpetual war, the New World Order (Globalist Elites) are dividing up the country and selling it off. Soon the “United States of America” won’t even be on the map or even a memory! This is conspiracy fact not a conspiracy theory.

The New World Order is trying to confound us by destroying the language and culture of our country...they are winning. Their bought and paid for Media is constantly chucking false issues
and propaganda at us. We as a people are so distracted by this, one could correctly assume that
there is no resistance to the New World Order. Many will welcome it as their savior! We have become a nation of dumbed down, slave minded, introverted morons.
Solution to Pollution (Free Op-Editorial)
Former Vice President Al Gore’s environmental push is disingenuous since he is a part of the problem as a “tax and spend” politician. To see this, one must understand that taxes are in fact the driving force behind most of the pollution being generated by humans on planet earth. As we all are painfully aware, a person is taxed and re-taxed on the money he or she must earn.
Everyone must pay property tax for instance, even if one is renting. The tax is figured in the rent. So, off to work we all go to get money for all that property tax. An astronomical amount of energy is burned up in pursuit of money to pay the property tax. On the way we all must purchase gas or diesel, which is also heavily taxed. On the way we all must ride in a vehicle which also taxed. We pay taxes for an ever expanding road system we need to get to work so we can pay our taxes: more energy wasted! Also, we must earn wages to pay the salaries of hundreds of thousands of government workers who produce almost nothing except gas fumes on their way to work.
Excessive taxation is responsible for most of pollution humans create. It has been said that fifty percent of the income tax one pays is to pay war debt; past, present and future. How much pollution will be created and energy will be burned up paying back those trillions of dollars? That alone will kill off Mother Earth.
Radical environmentalists like Al Gore will never tell the tax burdened public that the taxes are causing pollution! Gore is a socialist who wants to use the environmental topic as an angle to consolidate power in the hands of a one world government. Remember, Gore and Clinton taxed us to the max!
Ex-President Bill Clinton and Vice President Al Gore helped big business set up manufacturing in China to avoid any environmental oversight. As a result China is churning up and spewing out more toxins in the atmosphere than any other country. On the environmental issue, Clinton and Gore are pure hypocrites.
The best thing for Mother Earth is for the USA to file bankruptcy. Fire the Federal Reserve who is responsible for getting the government into massive debt. Send those bankers back to Europe! From there it is simple: Our Federal government can print its own money, like it used to back in the day when a dollar was a dollar. Re-open Homesteading so people can move back to the country and take the pressure off cities. And last but not least: no more property tax or double taxation of any kind. Without taxation there would be no need for pollution producing manufacturing out-sourcing to China!
If we should sacrifice anything for less human pollution, let it be a few trillion dollars of debt, a corrupt Central Bank and the evil tradition of property tax. This is not too much to do to save Mother Earth, is it now?
The Global Warming Scam
Global Warming is happening...but it is also a large scam to force the worlds nations to surrender power to the New World Order. For years now the New World Order has been behind the "Chemtrail" conspiracy. What are Chemtrails? Look it up on the web...The chemtrails are highly polished particles being sprayed continually in the upper atmosphere by aircraft. This has been leaching the moisture out of the air on a mass scale creating global warming. The New World Order will propose be the only solution to solve this problem. Problem, reaction, solution... After they take over the world, the chemtrails will stop and lo and behold, we will be saved...Praise the New World Order!

If you don't believe it look up chemtrails on the web and look up at the sky once in awhile!

Thursday, July 20, 2006

be very afraid During my tour of duty in Vietnam, 1970-1971, the threat of a rocket attack or a sniper's bullet was always present, but you got used to it. The point is that fear can be put in perspective with the facts of day-to-day existence.
The New World Order is staging fake terrorist attacks in England, Canada and now in Miami, Fla., in a concerted effort to generate mass fear. The object is for you to believe that only the United Nations' global government can save you. Globalists are prodding the masses into accepting a global police state through fear.
Every one of the recent so-called terrorist arrests has been proven to be contrived. When the truth comes out, the lasting effect of the "news" event is forever ingrained in the collective minds of a nation. It is the immediate reactive fear factor the spin masters are depending on to live forever in one's mind. Any truth that may come out later is quickly buried and replaced by another memorable "news" event.
Remember the mileage that was gotten out of the color-coded terror alerts? And how quickly personal liberties were taken away? Now the fear factor is being used to deflect attention from the fact that our nation is being disassembled before our very eyes.
The chance of anyone being a real victim of a terror attack is about a trillion to one. Don't let the fear mongers scare you. Big Brother wants only total power
Burned out!
Since the forties Israel and Palestinians have been at each others throats fighting over the Holy Land. This feud will go on forever and is one of those foreign entanglements the USA needs to stay out of.
We got problems right here in the USA that we as a nation should be more concerned with. The USA is almost broke according to the Federal Reserve. We have uncontrolled illegal immigration. Jobs are being exported at a rate that is driving our standard of living down the drain. We have a health care crisis. Our so called representatives in the Senate and Congress are corrupted and dysfunctional beyond belief.
We‘re played out and down for the count. To continue to entangle ourselves in the eternal squabbles between foreign countries is just way to much. To go after Ben Laden is one thing, but to rush about the globe spreading “Democracy”, killing “evil doers“, and fighting abstract concepts like “terrorism” is wearing us out. It‘s time to take care of the USA and each other and let those in other counties work it out for themselves.
We’re broke and burned out!